20+ and passionate about pixels

enstars! LOREBOOK

What is it?

The ENSTARS! LOREBOOK Project is a compilation of fan-translated ES! stories that used to show up on the entars wiki before the 2021 copyright purge. It's for personal use only.

Where can I find it?

Things to keep in mind about it:

This document contains only a copy of translations found on the wiki page of Ensemble Stars!! and I have not participated in the translation process of any of the stories, so I have no responsibility for mistranslations or incorrect terms used, if there are any (I do believe that the wiki TLs have been peer-reviewed and quality-checked before posting, so I would not worry about that). Also, some of the convo has been adjusted to fit the pages.This document will not cover all stories from the first game, as my priority is to include stories from the main plot and side ones from the characters I enjoy most.This is an independent project, FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, in no way associated or affiliated with Happy Elements / Cacalia Studios / Ensemble Stars wiki page OR the translators here included. I did my best to credit the writers and translators as I could find them on the wiki, if you believe there is something wrong please DM me about it and I’ll do my best to update it.Please refrain from reposting it in the official servers and channels as this might get you, the translators, and myself in trouble and it’s usually against the rules from those places. If possible, share the PDF privately or outside official channels (Twitter/Tumblr/etc posts are ok as far as I’m concerned. Official wiki pages and wiki/reddit discord servers are off limits).Finally, please remember that this is for personal use, and I’m only sharing this project as I would love for more people to have access to the older stories without needing to go through WAYBACK MACHINE website which I find a bit chunky and unfriendly to navigate in (skill issue).

about me

NAME: Ren (sometimes DEVILMANA and Mika)
AGE: 20+
GENDER: still unsure, probably female
PRONOUNS: any are fine. female presenting.
HOROSCOPE: leo at heart

where to find me:


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